Kindergartners Mugisha and Chaniella are settled in and doing well in Uganda.
BIGIMBA RETURNS TO UGANDA JULY 4TH. Andrew and Brooke Vigorito, along with their two daughters (just 1 and 2 years old) and a friend of these parents, Anne Marie, will meet him there. These folks will concentrate on helping the homes with nutrition, water purification, parasite decontamination, and vetting business opportunities, including a coffee plantation and an internet cafe. The Vigoritos have some interest in moving to Uganda. Let’s pray for them!
Mid-month, Matt North and his daughter (Alex, 15) will join the team. Alex will be assessing our kids reading and writing abilities as well as working with the teenage girls on envisioning SMART GOALS for their lives. Matt will be helping us assess the development of the community center property, including the future of construction projects on that land. He will also assist in research for our potential start-up of an elementary school. Matt and Alex are members at the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church which supports this ministry.
Now for some news about our widows and their kids. These families have been granted a refugee status that could lead to their being able to immigrate to the U.S.A.! This status requires they move to a city which is near a U.N. refugee camp. Claude, our Director in Africa, and the team there think this is an opportunity to act upon. So, the plan is for the widows and children to move in July. It is not anticipated that this move will increase our expenses because the families will receive significant assistance from the U.N. resources. We will see!
Lastly, the schools in Uganda have recommended that 15 of our children be placed in boarding schools. It is thought that the kids need the English Immersion Programs there to progress in their education. Again, Claude and the team in Uganda agree with this recommendation. The schools are in Kampala. The house parents can visit them regularly, and the children can come home on weekends and school breaks as may be deemed important.
The Exodus to Uganda, adding two homes, widows, more children, and private schooling, means we need to continue to recruit believers to this kingdom work. If you are lead to become a sponsor….. Or, to increase the amount of your monthly support – We welcome you to contact us directly at 520-444-8765 or donate/sponsor.