About Us
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction...”
James 1:27
Who We Are
Our hearts are for the abandoned children.
Our rescued children are placed into foster care with strong Christian families that provide their basic needs and guidance.
We have an emphasis on empowering these children to be God honoring adults that can care for themselves and others.
We go beyond providing for their basic needs. All children are provided quality education and resources to help them succeed.
Our team
We are a faith filled group inspired by God's consistent provision and faithfulness.
Our team's role is to ensure that we maintain our commitments to the children. We as a group review and instate programs, policies and budget that help our children be God honoring adults that can help themselves and others.
100% of donations directly supports the children.
All administrative and management costs are covered by our partners.
We move carefully and prayerfully. Our guiding principles are inspired with a faith filled vision, and yet we are committed to only expand and grow at the rate by which we can sustain our commitments to the children and programs currently in our care.